The BYG is a wonderful group of students who desire to grow in God, serve the Lord, their church, and their community with a passion to see lives changed.
The BYG meets every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. for youth service. They have regularly scheduled fun activities and annual trips to conferences.
Praise and worship is a very important part of every Bethel service. It is our opportunity to worship and minister to God.
Our Music department, praise and worship singers, musicians, and choir lead us into the presence of God.
Our men's group gathers for outings and monthly prayer nights.
Our ladies group sponors many social and spiritual events throughout the year. They attend an annual ladies conference, have outings and meet every 2nd Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. for prayer.
Bethel Elite
Our 55+ crowd enjoys monthly evenings of fellowship and food.
Every Sunday and Thursday, kids enjoy high energy classes with fun, games, crafts, music, and learning! All children fours years old to eleven years old enjoy time learning about the Bible.
Our Celebrate Recovery Class meets every Tuesday from 6:00-7:15. Celebrate Recovery is a biblically-based approach to help bring sustainable recovery and healing to our hurts, habits, and hangups. All are welcome to join! For more information email
Bethel is a church that believes in the power of prayer.
Every last Saturday of the month at 7:00 pm, we meet for Family prayer.
Every 2nd Wednesday, Ladies Prayer Group meets for a time of prayer and devotion. Prayer is at 7:00 pm.
Single Adults
Our unmarried group is active with social events and attending singles conferences. Each year the single adult ministry of Bethel sponsors "The Azusa Gathering", a conference specifically designed for single adults.
There is a place for every member of your family at Bethel.